Thursday, August 20, 2015

you know it's been good when...

you know it's been a good week when BOTH the boys fall asleep during reading time.

know you you have a good daddy when he willingly gives piggy back rides to boys with jackhammers.

you know pace is growing up when he is willing to conquer a fear and go down the fast slide (when i taught him the trick of using his legs as stabilizers/brakes)...

...and when he figured out how to build a double-sided satellite.  

balloon painting

pace saw this halloween costume at costco (already??!!) and fell in love with it.  he wore it every day last week.  i made him wear shorts and a t-shirt when we went to the park, but as soon as we got home, "mommy, can i dress my costume now?"  

another reason to love our new town

woot woot!

it's been over a year since we've had a real kitchen table and chairs!  bishka was so generous and sent us a house-warming gift!  the boys loved helping me assemble the chairs and playing choo choo.

max was a little hangry the next morning when the oatmeal was taking too long... 

super hero photobomb

at the library reading time the boys decorated super hero masks.  pace has really gotten into coloring lately--he takes his time picking colors and staying in the lines.

pace also loves taking photos with my phone.  he is quite the photo-maker.

another week, more projects and experiments...

pace was so excited to pick out a new experiment!  he loves picking out an experiment, reading the materials list and gathering all of our supplies.  on this day, i think i was finishing up cleaning or dishes, or something, and pace had gathered all the materials, cut the straws, came and got me and waved his hand over everything, "look, mom, it's all ready!"    

we made a "water wheel" of sorts to learn about water power.  we were supposed to pour water in the bottle and watch it turn around, but we discovered it worked better if we continuously poured water.  it eventually turned into a mini splashpad.

we decided to recycle our old projects into new ones and make collages.  i showed the boys how the paper fasteners worked, and how they could spin the attached paper.  pace decided that would make a perfect compass for his adventure collage.  max loved finding pictures from the national geographic--he found a fuzzy worm thing and decided it needed googly eyes.  they also both loved the "race tape" and put some fish stickers and flags along the race course.

satellites 2.0

after we made weather satellites, pace decided they needed to be upgraded.  so we attached more arms, solar panels, american flag stickers, and called out the army to guard them and keep watch.