Sunday, July 22, 2012

dooder, dis, & yah!

we went to the taste of the valley yesterday to walk around, try some good food, and--surprise, surprise--play in some water!  we bought an inflatable kiddie pool for pace to play in this summer, and he isn't interested in it at all.  he's played in it once or twice, and since then his response to "pace, do you want to play in your pool?" has consistently been, "no."  he's more than happy to take a bath, play with the hose outside, or get wet from the sprinklers on our morning walk, but he does not want to wade around in his little pool.  so when we ran across this little outdoor water play area in the center of the riverwoods shopping center, pace's eyes lit up, and he immediately requested to go "pay, dooder!"  (play in the water).  he was a little hesitant, running around the outskirts of the water for a while before heading in to the middle.  the sprinklers turned off and on and gradually got bigger, which fascinated pace, and got him wet unexpectedly a number of times.  he eventually dove in, and loved every splash.

we stopped by rocky mountain chocolate factory for a treat.  pace walked around looking at everything on display behind the glass counters and saying, "ooooo, wooooowwwww!", and when i asked him what treat he wanted he immediately pointed to a chocolate covered pretzel rod.  i asked him, "do you want this one, or this one?", pointing to a milk chocolate-covered pretzel, or a white chocolate-covered pretzel.  he very excitedly responded, "dis!"  when i pointed at the white chocolate pretzel.  to confirm, i pointed again at the white chocolate pretzel and asked, "this one?"  he very emphatically nodded his head and squealed, "yah!", grinning ear to ear.   


the other day i was at target putting together a little summer fun packet for my cousin's girls (they are in the states for a month from singapore, where they are stationed for her husband's work).  i was checking out and putting all the girly girl items in a bag to make it easy to grab and go into the post office.  the checker asked if he could put anything else in a bag for me, and i replied, "oh, no, you did a great job bagging, i'm just getting all the girly stuff together to mail in a care package.  i hope it's the right stuff--my cousin has the girls and i have the boys.  i don't know a thing about girly stuff--it's all about trucks in our house."  the checker gave me a sour look as though he had just swallowed too many lemons and not enough sugar, and said, "i really don't believe in genderized toys and colors--i think it's ridiculous."  and he stalked off.  truth be told, he was a rather flamboyant, effeminate far as genderized males go.  i wasn't about to enter into a philosophical/spiritual conversation with a sixteen year-old flamboyant target checker who thinks he has the world figured out, so i just left. 

but it got me thinking:  it's true, i've never dressed pace in a pink tutu or put his hair in pigtails, but we haven't pushed one toy over another, we haven't promoted certain colors, and we haven't stocked pace's shelf with only rough-and-tough boy books.  pace is naturally drawn to more "boy-ish" colors and toys.  when we were looking at books in target, pace started going nuts in the shopping cart, pointing and begging me in his toddler jibberish to go back.  out of all the books that were there--both girl- and boy-targeted books--he saw the one and only book that interested him:  a book on trucks, complete with buttons to push to hear the truck noise.

uncle jon erik sent the perfect gift for pace when max was born: a set of trucks.  he knows all their names--bulldozer, excavator, dump truck.  and pace asks me the same thing, every day.  all.  day.  long.  "mama?  'side?  guck?  dirt!"

so, dear mr. target-checker:  we are thinking about turning the blueberry patch into a dirt pit for pace and his "gucks".  you are welcome to join us any time.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

a boy after my own heart


 we have taken a liking to max from the cute max and ruby books...can you tell why?

give our max two more pounds*, and he'll be in the same diaper size as pace...

*i swear, i'm just nursing this boy!

holiday breakfast

these are the only photos i got from the 4th of july!  we went to a bbq later in the day with friends of ours, but turned into pumpkins and went to bed early and didn't watch fireworks.  there'll be plenty of time for that later, i guess.

fort from pah pah!

my dad sent out some building sets for pace!  i emailed all the grandparents wondering who had sent it because the box was addressed to pace, but there was no note inside.  i was surprised the sets were from my dad, as they weren't redskins-themed (haha).  but my dad was the generous gifter!  i watched my friend's little girl the other day, and she and pace and i built the fort, which was a HUGE hit.  thanks for the hours of fun, pah pah!